淮安列举网 > 教育培训 > 外语培训 > 淮安学新概念英语|淮安新概念英语词汇大全


更新时间:2013-05-19 10:52:09 浏览次数:235次
区域: 淮安 > 清河
淮安学新概念英语|淮安新概念英语词汇大全 淮安英语暑假班|淮安学新概念英语 淮安学新概念英语|英语暑假班报名啦|淮安哪里培训新概念英语淮安新概念英语暑假班报名啦|淮安新概念英语哪家好
1. 零起点、无英语基础的成年人;
2. 英语基础差、欲在短期掌握简单口语基础的上班族;
3. 小学生以及初一、二学生;
4. 欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学员;
5. 学过英语,但因为长期未用而遗忘的学员

1. 国际音标、字母、单词;
2. 基本语音、语调(补充包括所有的音标、连读、同化)及英语中的基本语法、词法、句法及句型结构知识

1. 精英师资的合理教学搭配;
2. 听、说、读、写、译全方位的提高;
3. 小班制授课,逐个纠正;
4. 采用循序渐进、诱导学习、情景教学及交际教学法相结合的教学模式

1. 学成后达到初三以上的英语水平;
2. 掌握英语初级语法;
3. 应对一般的日常对话;

《国际音标》 + 《新概念英语册》 + 上元教研组自编内部资料

1) The man next door has a garden that is being overrun with cats. Which of the following questions is correct?

1. Who's cats are using our neighbours garden?
2. Who's cats' are using our neighbours garden?
3. Whose cats are using our neighbour's garden?
4. Whose cats are using our neighbours' garden?


2) Lots of people are confused about when to use "may" and when to use "might". Which one is better here?

1. The win against Australia might have been a turning point, but it didn't turn out like that
2. The win against Australia may have been a turning point, but it didn't turn out like that


3) Read this sentence carefully. "I'd like to introduce you to my sister Clara, who lives in Madrid, to Benedict, my brother who doesn't, and to my only other sibling, Hilary." Which of the following is correct?

1. Hilary is male
2. Hilary is female
3. It's impossible to know from the context

  联系人:王老师 手机:18952308963

Q Q:1251483191 座机:0517-89862793

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